Friday, April 2, 2010

The Date: Any Day You Want... As Long as it Fits Our Schedule.

From Christmas till New Years I don't remember much, my head was kinda in the clouds and I couldn't settle down enough to plan a wedding yet.  But knowing us, if we didn't pick a date, it would get put off for another 7 years, so I picked up a calender and picked.  It was our current anniversary, July 3rd... a Saturday, perfect!  So, I began the fun task of trying to book a reception hall.

You'd think that'd be easy, but little did I know those things book up a year in advance during wedding season.  How was I supposed to know when wedding season started?!  I was new to all of this and had only watched my sister panic as my mom planned it all for her.

Well, I looked at every decent venue.  Some answered "we are booked" some told me alternate dates, while others didn't answer at all.  It was frustrating. 

Finally, I found a place that was super cheap, and very nice looking.  It was only $300 for a 4 hour rception!!  Earlier in my life I would of thought paying 300 bucks to borrow a building would of been outragious, but now it seemed too good to be true.  Only problem, the 3rd was booked, but the 2nd was open. 

After much discussion, Mr. Zombie and I agreed, a friday wedding would be fine with us.  We asked all our friends and family what date they would prefer and they all said "just tell us when to be there and we will be!  No questions asked!"  So we went for it.  We let everyone know the date, we booked the place and it was set.  Our out of town groomsmen and bridemaids were ready to buy their tickets and we were moving on to the next step.

Later that week we began to hear the complaints bubble up slowly.  No one ever told us anything directly, but you know when someone tells you "great haircut" but you can just tell they hate it... and then you hear the wispers... yea, it was kinda like that.

Apparently, some of his family had to do stock that night, or drive really far RIGHT after work, and then the complaints of traffic and the timeing came to us.  So we said FINE. 

I called the friends who needed to buy plane tickets and told them to wait.  I called the hall to see if there was a new date avalible.  We went through a few more days until we finally all settled on July 11th, yup good ol' 7/11... It's a good thing I have a sense of humor, cause from now on I get to share my anniversary with the name of my favorite old convenience store.

Luckily, this date only mildly inconvenienced people now because it was a Sunday. As long as everyone else is happy, right? Well, you can please some of the people some of the time...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Proposal: You Suck at Chinese Fire Drills.

We have been dating 7 and a half years, and we’ve known each other since our 6th grade science class. The class sucked because the teacher was a douche, but it was there that I taught Mr.Zombie how to cheat, and in return, he taught me how to cuss. We are great influences on each other. Ever since then we’ve been best friends, we walked home together every day and told the other all our secrets. We had all the same friends and were both band nerds that spent our weekends ignoring the football games we had to attend. However, it wasn’t until senior year of high school that things changed. It was a normal day of him hanging out at my house when he kissed me out of the blue, it was fast and a little scary, but it was that kiss that sealed our fate. That was when I began having feelings for him.  I'd known he'd liked me for a long time (everyone knew), but I hadn't had any real interest till that kiss.

By Christmas break of my senior year he had invaded my brain, and was all I could think of. Then again, I was a stupid high schooler and wouldn't end up dating him till after we graduated.  He drove me home from some party, and in my drive way, he told me he loved me.  This was his way of letting me go, but that's when I knew I had to do something.  So I talked it out with some of our very close friends and they convinced me to give him a chance. So I went on a date with him. From then on, we became eternal partners in crime.

It was the perfect courtship; plenty of fun and laughs, lots of traveling and adventure.
I guess it was because of our many road trips, I didn’t think much of it when he suggested this Christmas we go to San Antonio to visit his sister. However, I did find it odd that he kept talking about going to the river walk to see the lights and grab dinner.  For those who have never been, the river walk is packed with restaurants and night life. It is underground across the street from the Alamo, which we have both seen at least 100 times (though, it is still very awesome).

So we drove from Houston to San Antonio, and before I could even put my stuff down at his sister's he was ready to go eat.  You'd think if you'd been to the Alamo 100 times, you'd remember how to find it, but you'd be wrong; we were driving around in circles.

After about an hour of driving around, our stomachs growling and getting dizzy from being lost, he began sneezing his head off on the freeway. He sneezed so hard that his glasses broke pretty much in half (they were only held together with some tape and spit, so it was no big surprise) I told him to pull over and let me drive or at least pull over so we can fix his glasses.

He pulled into a dark industrial part of town, where a 16 wheeler had parked for the night. I'm a secret wimp and I wanted to make our driver switching fast, so I masked my fear with "Chinese fire drill!!".
I got out and ran to the driver’s side, but he was just standing there. I was rather confused, but with the dizziness and hunger all I could think to say was "you sure suck at Chinese fire drills".

Then he got down on one knee.